Deezer for Creators: gain visibility and boost your streams on Deezer

par Emma Ballay
Deezer for Creators: gain visibility and boost your streams on Deezer

We often hear about Spotify because it’s the major streaming platform but what about Deezer? It’s a streaming platform that remains super important for artists. Most of Deezer’s users are based in Europe and in Brazil, but continuing to grow into other marketing everyday. In these markets, it’s an asset to develop your audience in a fairly local way with the 16 million Deezer users. The platform also has more than 100 million playlists, so there are plenty of opportunities to be featured! In this article, we explain how to use the Deezer for Creators tool to optimize your presence on the platform.

With Groover, you can contact playlist curators with a guaranteed response within 7 days and opportunities to be added into playlists

Deezer’s other strength is its user-centric payment model. This means that the subscription paid by a user will go in large part to the artists that the user listens to. It’s a model that’s fairer to independent artists and therefore a great argument for musicians. Spotify doesn’t work on this model, one more reason not to neglect Deezer!

After all, it’s not necessarily because of this that you’ll see a big difference in your income from Deezer but users are happy to support the artists they listen to.

The Deezer for Creators Tool

Deezer for Creators – formerly called Deezer Backstage – is a tool that allows you to manage your artist page on Deezer. It includes useful features like checking the stats on your music and editing your Deezer profile.

It’s a fairly new tool and is therefore only available in English, the tool is pretty straightforward so it’s still very accessible for everyone! You can access it from your computer or in the Deezer for Creators application (on iOS and Android).

Gain visibility on Deezer with Deezer for Creators

Gain visibility on Deezer with Deezer for Creators

Unlike Spotify for Artists, you can’t create access for your team, so you’ll have to share your credentials with your team members in order for them to have access to your profile.

Terms of access to Deezer for Creators

The conditions to use Deezer for Creators are very straightforward. All you need to do is:

  • Be an artist or an artist’s representative (manager, label, or provider)
  • Have at least one track distributed on Deezer

Request access to your Artist Profile

It’s super simple to claim access to your profile and use the tool:

  • Go to Deezer for Creators
  • Click on the Request Access button
  • Select the option that describes your role: artist, label, provider or manager
  • Enter your UPC number(s)
  • You can connect your Facebook account to facilitate the verification of the artist profile
  • Wait for the answer from the Deezer team by email, once the answer is received go to your account and you can start using the Deezer for Creators tool

Edit your Artist Profile

Deezer for Creators is a bit like Spotify for Artists, but with a little less functionality. With Deezer for Creators you can edit your profile in great detail:

  • Add photos

You can change your artist profile picture. Be careful! The format must be square and 1200px x 1200 px minimum in jpg, jpeg or png format and not exceed 9MB.

Artist Profile Picture on Deezer for Creators

  • Write a bio

You can post your bio in English but you can also add translations in different languages so that the user can read the bio in their language.

  • Create highlights

The highlights feature highlights different content on your profile; you can choose an album, a podcast, a playlist where you appear. Set a date for the highlight to be posted and the countries where you want it to be visible. It’s up to you, except for the next 30 days after a release when the new release will be highlighted by default.

New Highlight on Deezer with Deezer for Creators

  • Add links to your social media accounts

You can fill in the link of your Twitter and Facebook profiles

  • Add a status

Your status is a short sentence that you can add to your artist profile. You can quickly talk about your news or your last release, for example.

The more complete and optimized your profile is, the more you will make users want to spend time there and potentially discover as many of your tracks as possible!

Consult the data insights on Deezer

We all know that on Deezer, it is rather complicated to understand if your music is listened or not because the number of listens of songs is not public. Deezer lifts the secrecy on the listening since you have access to data on the consumption of your music.

With Deezer for Creators, you have access to a dashboard that summarizes your statistics on your songs. For example, on the Analytics page you can find :

  • The number of global listenings of your tracks in the last 24 hours, week and/or month and follow its evolution
  • The number of listens and listeners on each track in the last 24 hours, one week and/or one month to follow its evolution
  • The number of listens obtained during the day (information available for 7 days)
  • The time of day when your audience listened to your tracks the most
  • The playlists your tracks have been added to and the playlists that bring you the most listens
Send your track to the playlist curators available on Groover to increase your streams on streaming platforms and promote your music project.

Analyze your listening statistics on Deezer with Deezer for Creators

You can go even further and select a period of time and a country to see the listening according to these parameters.

In the Audience tab you will find other statistics like

  • Gender differentiated listening (female vs. male listeners)
  • The main countries of where your audience is from
  • The listening platform (Deezer application or computer and operating system)

These are interesting insights that can help you, for example, efficiently configure your ads on social networks!

Build engagement with your community thanks to Deezer for Creators

  • Share with your subscribers, notifying them of your new releases and other updates
  • Share your new tracks on social networks directly from Deezer for Creators

We hope this article has convinced you not to neglect Deezer and to use Deezer for Creators to optimize your profile on the streaming platform. Pitch your tracks to the playlist curators (but also to media, labels and other music professionals) available on Groover! This is the tool that allows you to promote your music easily and affordably with guaranteed listening and feedback within 7 days.

– Translated by Betty Gonzalez Gray –

Next Articles :

> How to make your music known on YouTube?
> How to use Spotify for Artists?
> How do artists get paid on Deezer?
> The best tools to know to promote your music

Upload your music to Groover and contact the best media, radio stations, playlists, labels and music industry professionals directly
– Guaranteed listening and feedback within 7 days –


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