DOLCHE expands her network and gains visibility thanks to Groover

par Marguerite Beaussant
DOLCHE expands her network and gains visibility thanks to Groover

We had the pleasure of meeting Dolche, an artist inhabited by her music and a true entrepreneur of her musical project. In one year and six tracks released, Groover has helped her create strong links with bloggers, journalists and radio stations, and gain visibility. 

I found this little transparent mountain lake where real people, honest music lovers took their time to listen to my music, offer genuine and personal feedbacks and actually helped sharing my music. […] I like that Groover selects carefully and follows the influencers they have on their site. And the customer service? Oh man…real people! A dream come true!

– Dolche –

Dolche, can you present your musical project ?

Dolche : My project is a desire. My desire to mix all my musical interests and to embrace multiculturalism without sticking to a particular music genre. There are classical music and electronic, Arabian influences and folk. It’s a visionary and free way to conceive music that reflects my inner nature.
I come from a secluded village of 40 (yes 40!) inhabitants lost in the mountains and I live in NYC six month every year. Woods and skyscrapers. My musical and personal baggage is so varied and rich and absurd that only music could properly narrate my universe and create stories. Each song is a story in itself, very different from all the others (both musically and conceptually) but all together they share one soul.

How was your project born?

Dolche : Did it ever occur to you that all of a sudden your entire life changed in a way that you couldn’t help but follow? Well 4 years ago this happened to me (changed city, got married with my wife, met amazing and inspiring musicians and people, started traveling and never stopped since etc)
I opened up to life and this generated a need that I couldn’t keep inside anymore: to be myself fully. No more compromises.
Since I have memory, I’ve always been a musician. I cannot imagine myself doing anything else. And as I evolved and changed as a person, my music changed too.
I‘ve done everything, recorded with the MPG from Prince and composed for other artists, played more than 600 concerts with my previous project never blinking if it happened in front of 10.000 or 15 people and went on TV shows.
But I never put myself in charge of every aspect of my music, from composing to arranging and producing. This is why two years ago I created Dolche. Because everything changed and I wanted my art to reflect it honestly and fully.

What are your inspirations and what do you love most about making music ?

Dolche : Oh inspiration is everywhere for me. I often sample sounds from nature and use them in my songs. When I was young I devoured the music of Joni Mitchell and Puccini, Aretha Franklin and Bowie. On the other side, in my village, the only music you could hear was popular music played with accordion during festivities and the choir singing in the parish. All this created a varied and exciting baggage of sounds for me.

Can you describe your experience with Groover ?

Dolche : In a word: honest. My experience with Groover taught me that there is a place where independent musicians like me with no big major behind can find their voice and their space. And grow.
In an ocean of piranas where everyone seems to desire a bite of you (read as your money) giving nothing back except for some standard “copy-paste-we are too busy for you” answers, I found this little transparent mountain lake where real people, honest music lovers took their time to listen to my music, offer genuine and personal feedbacks and actually helped sharing my music.

I feel that, after one year on Groover and six releases, I established relation with some talented bloggers and journalists and radio stations that I can call friends.
I also want to add that refusals are great too. Almost every time I can feel that people listened to my music and desire to explain why they did not feel it was a good fit. With grace and respect. This is something unique that I did not find on any other platform. I like that Groover selects carefully and follows the influencers they have on their site.
And the customer service? Oh man…real people! A dream come true!

| Groover

What were your greatest successes on the platform ?

Dolche : My first track “Psycho Killer” and my last one “Big Man” aced it. Their genre is very different but this is the great thing here…that there are ears for all kind of music.

[su_youtube_advanced url=”” title=”Dolche – Big Man (Official Videoclip)”]

What does a day with Dolche look like ?

Dolche : Dog, wife/breakfast, music, music, music, lunch, emails, social networks, music, music, composing, a nice walk in the open air, dinner, glass of wine (before…I am pregnant now), love and talking, adieu.

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Dolche, what are your plans for the coming year?

Dolche : Can we make projects anymore? I was supposed to begin my tour in March but well…here we all are. Thus I decided not to make projects and to keep composing and releasing music as I always did. I already begun working on the new album and my first one “Exotic Diorama” will be out this October!
What I can be sure of is that I bought a lot of hardware and softwares that now allow me to record and produce also from my home studio (since traveling is still not allowed and I always produced my music abroad) and that I will have some sleepless nights from November for breastfeeding the upcoming new members of the family.

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What would be your advice to young artists in development?

Dolche : Consider your project as a brand. Be smart and informed. You need to understand every aspect of your project, from technical issues to legal matters, from how to read a contract to what is the best moment to run ads on your social medias. You have to be a musician. But to be so you have to be also a social media manager, a lawyer, a manager, a booking agent, an art director, a producer and a technician. And I am probably forgetting many things.

And finally, what do you think Groover brings to the music industry ?

Dolche : A chance to be heard, a great worldwide international approach and good vibes!

Read also : VOG Gets his Music on a TikTok Playlist After Using Groover

If you also want to contact media, labels and music industry pros to gain visibility, it’s here on Groover 👈


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